Anne with an E: Fans lead the strongest revival campaign

The effort to revive the Season 4 of popular TV Series, ‘Anne with an E’ will go down as the most desperate and strongest campaign in the history of tv shows.

Season 3 of Anne with an E aired in January this year but left fans with many unanswered scenarios. On top of that, when producers Netflix/ CBC made it clear that they won’t be renewing the series, all hell broke loose.

Fans took it upon themselves to save the series from premature termination.

According to Whats On Netflix, it all started with the ‘Billboard Campaign’ where fans poured money from their own pockets to buy digital billboards in support of the series.

These billboards could be seen at New York Times Square, on highways in states such as Texas and as far as Canada.

If this was not enough, fans then took it to to make their voices heard. The petition to save Anne with an E now has over 6,00,000 signatures surpassing the petition to save Sense8 which had over 5,00,000 signatures. Sense8 was eventually revived with a feature film.

Will fans be able to revive Anne with an E (Season 4) for a final ride?

Netflix is previously known for giving into the whims and fancies of its fans as we may say. It may be a matter of reputation or efforts to keep itself as a customer oriented company.

Hence we may assume that there is a fair chance that the series will be revived for one last ride. Whether it will be a feature film or a full fledged season is difficult to guess at the moment.


If Netflix gives in yet again or not, this effort will go down as the biggest in the history of American television.

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