Why it is Good to be Anonymous Online

The Internet has undeniably transformed the way we live and communicate, connecting us with people and information from all over the world. However, this convenience and accessibility also come with risks. With the rise of cybercrime and the huge amount of information people expose online, it’s more important than ever to protect our privacy and security. This is where anonymity can be beneficial in many ways.

Anonymity protects your privacy

If you don’t reveal your real name or personal information, you reduce the chances of being targeted by hackers or scammers. Hackers can steal information such as your name, address, phone number, social security number, credit card information, and login credentials. This information can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, or other malicious activities.

There are several ways to hide your personal information online:

  • To protect your privacy online, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or proxy to mask your IP address. Additionally, you can use antidetect browsers to hide your digital fingerprint. Antidetect browsers, in combination with proxy services, use various techniques to mask users’ IP addresses, prevent browser fingerprinting, and block tracking scripts and cookies.
  • Use a pseudonym or fake name instead of your real name when creating accounts or posting online. Avoid sharing personal information such as your phone number, address, or social security number online.
  • Use privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your posts and personal information.
  • Be cautious about clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or viruses that can steal your personal information.
  • Сreate temporary and disposable email addresses that can be used for a specific purpose, such as creating a social media account. It will reduce the risks associated with email hacks. As the email address is temporary, it can be deleted once the task is completed.

Following this advice significantly increases the chances that your online activities will not be traced back to your real identity, which can prevent unwanted attention.

Anonymity shields individuals from price discrimination

Many online retailers use data mining techniques to track customers’ browsing and purchasing histories. They may use this information to offer different prices to different customers based on their buying habits, location, or other factors. This practice, known as price discrimination or dynamic pricing, can result in some customers paying more than others for the same product or service. For example, a customer in a wealthier area may be offered a higher price for the same product than a customer in a less affluent area.

Businesses have been using price discrimination since the 1980s. The first industry to adopt this tool was airlines, and hotels joined in the early 2000s. In the past, not every business had access to user data to implement dynamic pricing, but nowadays it has become much more common.

For instance, Steam offers game discounts in some markets ranging from 30 to 60 percent off the original U.S. dollar price. This has led some gamers to spoof their location to countries with lower prices. 

Recent Hogwarts Legacy regional pricing. Source: SteamDB

Dr. Rob Nicholls, an associate professor of regulation and governance at UNSW Business School, advised in an interview with The Guardian that the best way to avoid price discrimination is to avoid leaving digital breadcrumbs. He suggested the following methods:

  • Use private mode on your browser when searching.
  • Use a search engine that does not optimize advertising, such as DuckDuckGo.
  • Use intermediary sites that aggregate product deals to find the lowest price.
  • Always clear your cookies.

By remaining anonymous online and not revealing personal information, you may be able to avoid being targeted for price discrimination. Retailers may not be able to track your browsing and purchasing history, so they won’t be able to offer different prices based on that information.

Anonymity can help bypass regional restrictions

Some websites or streaming services may restrict access to certain content based on the user’s location or IP address. Geo-blocking is an Internet technology that blocks the user if the IP address is outside the authorized geographical area. Copyright regulations, for example, force major content providers like HBO, Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon to apply geo-restrictions.

In many cases, using regular VPN services is enough to get around geo-blocking. However, some systems are more advanced. For instance, Netflix has a separate local content library for each country. It’s quite surprising, but many TV shows and movies are available on Netflix that can’t be accessed even from the USA because of legal issues. Such content includes The Gentlemen, Rambo: Last Blood, and Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars, among many others.

The USA is not even in the top 10 countries by the number of Netflix titles available. Source: 99Firms

The company maintains a list of IP addresses that they use to check whether users’ IP addresses belong to any VPN companies. If a match is found, you may be blocked instantly. Therefore, it’s important to choose a VPN service that constantly updates its IP addresses.

Anonymity is beneficial for businesses

Anonymity can allow businesses to conduct market research and gather customer feedback without revealing their identity. This can be particularly useful if a business is trying to gauge customer satisfaction with a new product or service, or if they want to test out a new marketing campaign.

Anonymity can be used in guerilla marketing and reputation management by allowing businesses to create multiple accounts without being detected. This can help businesses to promote their brands, products, or services without being identified as the same person across multiple accounts. With multiple accounts, businesses can create the appearance of a larger following and increase their reach. However, it is important to use this tactic ethically and not engage in spamming or other harmful activities.

Antidetect multi-accounting browsers, such as Octo Browser, in combination with high-quality proxies, can help with creating multiple accounts for reputation management and guerilla marketing by masking users’ IP addresses, preventing browser fingerprinting, and blocking tracking scripts and cookies. This prevents websites and services from tracking users’ online activity and identifying them as the same person across multiple accounts.

What is Octo Browser?

Octo Browser is an anti-detect multi-accounting browser that works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. The browser is fast and at the same time passes tests like pixelscan without any errors and alerts. It allows you to run multiple profiles for any purpose.

When it comes to marketing strategies like affiliate marketing, account farming, web scraping, and social media marketing which require a multi-accounting browser, Octo Browser is the best fit.

No matter what you need it for, you can use the browser on an unlimited number of devices without any limitations. The simple process of creating profiles is another reason why this browser is preferred by many users. The possibility to create a “quick profile” in one click is what makes the tool user-friendly.

In terms of data and identity security, Octo Browser ensures that user profiles are created using the fingerprints of real devices. Later on, the substitutions are performed in the browser code which leads to protection of your identity. When it comes to data safety, it is impossible to find out the real values of the user’s system.

Why it is sometimes important to reveal your identity

Although being anonymous can be safe and profitable in many ways, there are also certain disadvantages to consider:

  • It can be harder to build trust and credibility with others when you are anonymous, as people may be hesitant to interact with someone they don’t know.
  • It can be difficult to establish a reputation or personal brand when you are anonymous, as you cannot use your real name or identity to promote yourself.
  • Some online communities may require users to reveal their real identity in order to participate, so being anonymous may limit your access to certain resources or communities.
  • Some websites or services may block users who use anonymizing browsing tools because they are seen as potential security risks.

The main benefits of online anonymity include protecting privacy, avoiding price discrimination, preventing targeted advertising, and bypassing regional restrictions. The core idea behind online anonymity is that by hiding your personal information, you can avoid discrimination and protect yourself from malicious activities.