A trademark owner should be aggressive in protecting their trademarks for a variety of reasons. They are as follows:
1. A competing business may use your trademark or service mark as their own due to the fact your business has built goodwill or has developed a strong brand. This scenario can result in lost customers, sales, or business.
2. Trademarks or service marks are essential advertising and marketing tools.
3. A trademark owner can assert exclusive rights against a trademark infringer through cease and desist and/or litigation.
4. A trademark owner can miss out on the opportunity to earn royalty income from licensing trademarks to others for use.
5. A trademark owner can lose trademark rights if they are not vigilant in protecting trademark rights.
Number 5 is very important and I will explain how one can lose their trademark rights in greater detail. The failure to police a trademark can have significant legal consequences. Policing a trademark includes:
Defending the mark against infringers by sending cease and desists or initiating legal action such as infringement lawsuits or temporary and permanent restraining orders;
Opposing trademark applications with the USPTO that are confusingly similar to your trademark;
Filing a cancellation action against any trademark that becomes registered with the USPTO that is confusingly similar to your trademark;
Inaction in policing your trademark can lead to a bar to sue for trademark infringement. In addition, failure to prosecute infringers usually is evidence of a weak mark. As a result, challengers can petition the USPTO to cancel your trademark registration.
In conclusion, once you have obtained a registered trademark, there is still work to do. Protect your trademarks at all costs to reap all the benefits that trademark ownership offers.
Sumit is a tech enthusiast, streaming aficionado, and movie buff. With a knack for dissecting the latest gadgets, exploring the world of online entertainment, and analyzing cinematic experiences, Sumit offers insightful and engaging perspectives that bridge the gap between technology and entertainment.