More and more players shift to online gambling platforms like Energy Casino as land-based casinos are closing their doors either temporarily or permanently because of the impact of the coronavirus. The notorious pandemic leaves us homebound, and the real-life gambling experience seems a distant past.
But sooner or later, things will get back to normal. And when the time to visit your beloved casino finally comes, you must be ready for it. But hold on a second…what would you wear? Would it be best to dress to the nines, or would it look like you’re overdressed?
Gambling Dress Codes throughout History
The history of gambling dress codes starts from the very inception of gambling. You wouldn’t want to stick to dress up according to the first dress code, though, as it was the nude one. Luckily, dress codes progressed as fashion progressed itself.
The most popular casino dress code up until now – formal clothes – was the only one used by both men and women throughout the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Its typical attributes would be classic black or white blazers, shirts, ties, and top hats for men and long skirts, blouses, and oval hats for women.
As the fashion became more informal towards the end of the century, players got more freedom to wear what they want, although it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that casinos ceased to be a formal environment. Casino spirit is akin to restaurant spirit for most of us, and we just can’t let ourselves go there unprepared. So, after all, what would be the perfect attire for a wonderful gambling pastime?
No Dress Code
It goes without saying that the very first thing you should do is to check if there’s any particular dress code you should respect. If the casino website doesn’t have a dedicated section and there’s no visual information on the website, then just ask customer support. But then again, the very design of the website and photos on it – including the photos from real gambling sessions – will likely be all your need to get the idea of your perfect suit.
On that note, many casinos will welcome you in any clothes, expecting you to look presentable all the same. Jeans, collared shirts, khakis would do for men; slacks, long dresses, and blouses would be acceptable attire for ladies.
Official Outfits
Dressing like James Bond would put you in a completely different mood. In a tuxedo and bowtie, you will attract the attention of the public and might even get some compliments and perks from the dealers. And there’s a certain logic behind that: white tie dress code serves as a reference to the upper-class society of the 18th-19th centuries, the VIPs that reigned the early saloons. Besides, such an official outfit would be a good choice for an official dinner, a party, or a business meeting if one of those happened to happen in a casino. And if you’re going to take your love life with you, make sure she wears an evening gown matched with while gloves, expensive jewelry, and maybe a clutch purse.
Absolute Don’t
The liberality of today’s casinos will allow you to wear almost anything, but since you don’t want to ruin your pastime – and the pastime of fellow gamblers – make sure to avoid looking like a casino worker (a dealer, an usher, or a croupier). Otherwise, you will be constantly distracted from the process by inquisitive customers. And even if you don’t want to change closer – or maybe you just don’t have any other types of attire – then feel free to switch colors: red instead of white, grey instead of black, etc.
In most cases, though, the overall casino style and the occasion will give you enough information for matching your clothes with the spirit of the venue and the event.
Sumit is a tech enthusiast, streaming aficionado, and movie buff. With a knack for dissecting the latest gadgets, exploring the world of online entertainment, and analyzing cinematic experiences, Sumit offers insightful and engaging perspectives that bridge the gap between technology and entertainment.