Join a PS4 Party Chat from a PC (Windows 10/ macOS)

So you got an invitation to join a PS4 party chat, right?

What happens if you are away from your PlayStation, let’s say on another floor, but want to join a PS4 party chat from your PC?

I know the question lingering on your head right now is how to get to your console quickly.

We have a quick solution for you via this article. Read on to get started. 

First things first. Let’s begin with a brief intro to the PS Remote Play application, which you will be required to download on your PC. It’s an app that allows users to connect to their PS4 via their PC or Mobile Devices. This includes iOS, macOS, Windows, and Android-based devices. Users can also use the app to connect to their friends’ consoles. In order to work with the PS Remote Play application in peace, you must first make sure that all your study assignments are completed. If not, you simply won’t have time for PS4 party chat. So find the best writing services that will help get your work done quickly and at a reasonable cost. And then you will have extra time to relax.

What is PS4 Party Chat all about?

For starters, let’s get down to what a PS4 Party chat is. For example, you’re playing a game like Dota 2 on your PS4 and you already have friends you team up and play with. You can easily use the Party chat to chat with your friends without opening the game. You might also want to use some exclusive Dota 2 cheats, we have some for you. 

The PlayStation 4 party chat is a feature that allows PS4 gamers to privately voice chat with their friends without using the in-game chat system. 

To use the PS4 Party chat feature remotely, you will need to synchronize your PC to your PS4 console.

Once the PS Remote Play app is on your PC, you can establish communication by linking it to your console in sleep mode. 

The app is compatible with all versions of Windows. 

How to Download PS4 Remote Play on your PC?

Head over to the official PS Remote Play download page.

Click on the Windows 10 icon.


The action leads you to another page where you should be able to download the PS4 Remote Play Application for Windows. 


Launch and install the app on your computer.

It should now be easy to join a PS4 party chat on your PC. 

How to Join a PS4 Party Chat from your PC?

Joining a PS4 chat via your PC is a no brainer with these easy to follow steps.

  • First, connect your game console and PC to the same Wi-Fi network. 


  • Next, ensure your console is in standby or sleep mode to join a party from your PC 


  • A player can choose PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. But this isn’t necessary. Just click on the app and continue with the search.


  • Your PS4 name will display. Click on the name. Your console starts the search and syncing process automatically.


  • Enter the PS4 Passkey required.


  • Wait for the connection. After a few seconds, you should be able to run your game on your PS4 console.


  • To chat with your friends, click the microphone icon button at the bottom right of your screen to set it up.


  • Click and hold the PS button on your controller. Follow the prompts >” Select Party”>” Start Party”


  • Create your group or select from the list.


  • You can repeat the same steps for macOS and other operating systems.

We hope that this quick guide will enhance your gaming experience on the Playstation 4.

If you have any doubts, please feel free to comment below.