Is your Netflix account hacked? Here is how you can find out.

The article has updates at the end.

Hacking is not a new phenomenon for anyone of us. We all know that hacking is part and parcel of using connected services and the Internet.

And hacking is the reason behind the enhancement of security systems around the world.

Bank websites, social networks, government websites are classic examples of excellent security systems.

And if you have a Netflix account, you need to be cautious about that too.

The reason behind this is you can’t be in a position where you are searching ’” Netflix Account Hacked.” Prevention is always better than cure.

Recently, the web security site McAfee revealed several Netflix accounts had been hacked along with critical information like credit card credentials.

Netflix is one of the most popular TV and movie screening platform in the world.

With over 169 million users on the web, it is no wonder that it became a target of hackers.

If you are a Netflix user, you need to make sure that your account is safe.

Netflix account hacked? How do you find out?

As the hackers raided many Netflix accounts recently, it is crucial to check if there is someone who is secretly enjoying your account.

It is a bit tough to know in regular use as multiple users can access Netflix simultaneously.

But by following the below-mentioned steps, you can find the culprit who is behind your hacked Netflix account.

  • Log in to your Netflix account and open the account option.
  • Post this, click on the viewing activity and check if the recently watched content is of your interest. If it is, then close the account settings. Now the hackers can delete the viewing history too. If you are not sure, follow the steps below.
  • Check the recent device streaming settings. Check if the locations are familiar to you. If there are logins from unknown locations, your account might have got hacked. You need to log out of all the devices by going into the settings option. This will log you out from all the devices, even from the one with the hacker.
  • Now, you need to change the password so that no one can re-access your account. Try if you can change the username also. Keep a strong password not matching with any of your other passwords.

This way, you will ensure that you and only you are enjoying the Netflix streaming services you have paid from your pocket.

Update (24 March 2020): Users are complaining about not being able to contact Netflix due to the current crisis

We have been getting many comments with users complaining of being stuck on Netflix Call Support for hours in vain.

This is because most of the companies across the world are operating with a significantly reduced workforce as a preventive measure against the global crisis.

You should be able to contact call support as and when the situation improves.

The chat support is still up and can be used in the meanwhile.