How To Donate Bits On Twitch And Get Donations?

Twitch is one of the best platforms to engage with your favorite streamers and chat with them in real-time. The platform also serves as a medium for them to monetize their gaming skills.
But how do you support your favorite game streamers? By making direct donations or by donating bits.
Donating bits on Twitch should be a breeze if you are a bit tech-savvy and use the platform often. One of the most popular games where thousands of people watch regularly is CSGO and the hype never ends. There are a lot of tournaments and matches which can be used to bet on and this site provides all the relevant info for the same.
Let’s begin with the article.


What are Bits on Twitch? 

Bits on Twitch are a virtual currency on the platform used by users to appreciate their favorite streamers. Twitch users buy the bits on the site with actual money. 

For example, if you want to donate to your favorite streamer, you could tip them with a certain number of bits to appreciate them.

On Twitch, they call this cheering or tipping. Twitch rewards users who donate bits frequently with a wide range of badges. Hence, users also benefit from cheering bits.

How to Cheer on Twitch

After buying your bits, they will appear in your account after a while. Once you have them, you can cheer your top streamers on Twitch.

Here is how you can go about this:

  1. Head over to the channel of the streamer you want to donate bits
  2. If, for example, you are donating 100 bits, type the word “cheer” followed by 100 and any words you like “Cheer100 An outstanding job.”
  3. Watch the timer that runs for five seconds. You can correct any typos you have within the time frame given.
  4. There you go! It will donate your bits to your streamer after five seconds.

Cheering bits to streamers is the same on both your PC and your mobile devices. However, purchasing them via mobile differs slightly from desktop devices.

Twitch Bit Badges

If you are a streamer on Twitch, I bet you have quite a following that cheers bits to you.

Well, as a Twitch partner, you can also offer something special to your supporters for supporting your content. Twitch usually unlocks Chat badges or bit badges for every Twitch user.

You can twitch these bit badges to them as a way of appreciating them. The more Twitch users cheer their favorite channels, the more super bit badges appear beside their names.

How to Get Donations on Twitch

You can enable cheering on your channel as a Twitch partner:

  1. Go to the Partner Settings tab of the dashboard.
  2. Keep scrolling down, stop about midway, and under the Cheer section, click Enable Cheering with Bits.
  3. Your channel viewers can now make donations to you by using bits.

As a streamer, you can also get donations on Twitch via third-party services like Donorbox, Muxy, Streamlabs, Stream Element, and Gaming for Food.

Donorbox, for example, allows streamers to connect their accounts to their service to receive donations and relevant alerts.

Third-party services are suitable for gamers and streamers for monetizing and growing their channels.


Through Donorbox, streamers can accept donations via a range of payment services such as Paypal, Credit Card, and ACH bank transfers that come with nominal fees. 

You can link your donorbox donation page to your Twitch channel to make it easier to receive donations. 

Here is how you can get donations on Twitch via these six easy steps. 

Step 1: Download or save the image of the donorbox donation button on your desktop computer. You will need an image like the one below to customize your donation button to the color and size you want. 


However, you are also free to use another image of choice. Head over to your donorbox dashboard. Click the “Donate button” and head over to “PNG image buttons.”


Step 2: Head over to your Twitch channel. Click on your Twitch username and scroll down the screen. You will spot “Edit Panels.” You should be able to turn it on and click the large + button. 


Step  3: Click on “Add a text or image panel.” Type the title you want to use for the panel, like “Donate Here.” Next, you should be able to add the image you donated earlier (on your PC) to your donation button, 


Step 4: Go back to your donorbox dashboard and copy the secure donation page donation link

Step 5: Now, paste the link you just copied to the “Image Links to” box, as seen in the image above. Type a description in the space provided, then click submit. Head over to the “Edit Panels”  button and turn it off. That is it!

Step 6: Sooner, you will see your donate button on your Twitch stream. You are now ready to collect online donations that will be directly deposited into your linked bank account.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, bits on twitch are a digital currency you can use to reward your top streamers on Twitch. Through this guide, this should now be easy for you.

As a streamer, you can also get donations using bits or third-party services, as mentioned above.