The graphic design market is experiencing huge growth. This is because the demand for graphic design spreads across all market segments.
We are talking about advertising, app design, brand identity, book and magazine, clothing, and packaging. Even online casinos like Capital casino need graphic designers. There is immense opportunity in the sector, and you can take advantage of it by aligning your skills.
Designing graphics on your mobile phone is not always an easy task. It is more challenging than it is to edit on your laptop. As a graphic designer, you need to appreciate the complexity that comes with designing using mobile technology.
We have compiled a few tips on how to create amazing graphics using your mobile phone.
Create Designs For Different Resolutions
When designing your graphics from your mobile phone, you need to remember that mobile screens are small. This is in comparison to the desktop monitors you are used to working on.
Desktop monitors are much larger. Such monitors display the graphics at 1920 × 1200 resolution and higher.
Mobile phones have different resolutions and sizes, meaning that it will no longer be possible for you to design for one resolution and size. Therefore, you should develop multiple graphics to determine their appearance on different mobile phones.
Using A Fluid Layout
Many smartphones are fitted with a G-sensor. This collects information on the orientation of the phone, and information is displayed correctly. Depending on how you hold the phone, a display can be either landscape or portrait.
You should, therefore, consider this and thus ensure that your designs have a fluid layout. Ensure that you create both landscape and portrait layouts so your graphics can fit each screen orientation.
Ensure That Your Files Are Small
When creating graphics for mobile websites, you need to pay attention to the user’s connection. Ensure that you optimize your images for quicker load time, as not every person enjoys 4G speed. Smaller file sizes reduce the load and make page loading quicker.
Coverage in some areas is not as fast as it is in others. Also, consider cutting down on code and removing unnecessary tags and comments. Compress your images and files to reduce download time.
Use The PNG Image Format
The format you use for your pictures determines whether the images you create will be friendly for mobile devices. The PNG format, unlike others, gives you a greater depth when it comes to the color of your images. It also has partly transparent pixels. This allows you to be able to take advantage of the alpha transparency. PNG is also fully lossless.
Graphic Design Tips for Beginners
Learning how to draw well is easy. However, becoming good at drawing requires time, effort, and, most importantly, excellent observation skills. As a beginner, there is so much to learn to become good at graphic design.
Also, some tips will prove to be very helpful and a key to your artistry. Here are the tips that will transform you from being a talented artist to a highly trained artist.
The typography
This is among the most crucial elements of graphic design. For you to create graphics that possess great aesthetics, you should consider contrasting the text blocks and surrounding the space present in your typography.
Use the grid-based approach
You should use the grid-based approach when creating websites. If you want to ensure that you create stunning graphics and visuals, this is one of the most basic and useful graphic design tools. You should learn how to use grids, and you’ll see how your plans will move from being regular to being great. This approach will also help you to come up with a balance, structurally, in your art.
Keep your design simple
One of the most critical lessons in graphic design is to keep your designs simple. If you overdo your designs, they may not achieve the desired purpose. When you decide to create a simple design for your graphics, you do them a lot of justice. A simple design helps you to make it exude elegance and also engage your audience.
Create a balance
When designing, ensure that you balance the text and the design. This will result in excellent readability. It will be considered bad if your design does not have a balance.
Have your audience in mind
When creating your graphics, it is essential to keep your audience in mind. Ensure that you know what they want so that you are not coming up with a design just to please yourself. When you consider your audience, you can target them as you create your artwork.
Take Away
There are several ways to ensure that your graphics are great, even if you are using your phone. Tips such as the ones you have just read will go a long way in helping you come up with great graphics for various mobile devices.
As a beginner, there is so much to learn. Knowing things such as; the color theory and how your designs can affect and influence any business, along with the others that we mentioned above, is critical. It will help you in your journey toward becoming a great graphic designer.
Sumit is a tech enthusiast, streaming aficionado, and movie buff. With a knack for dissecting the latest gadgets, exploring the world of online entertainment, and analyzing cinematic experiences, Sumit offers insightful and engaging perspectives that bridge the gap between technology and entertainment.