Happy Palindrome Week – (Last of this Decade)

The upcoming week starting from Tuesday, 9th September is a little bit freaking one. It’s marking the beginning of palindrome week. It’s not just a week but a set of 10 days when every date is read as the same backward or forward. Date format should beĀ  Month-Date-Year which is specific or unique to a few countries such as the United States.

9/10/19 (91019) -> 9/10/19 (91019) Tuesday

9/11/19 – (91119) -> 9/11/19 (91119) Wednesday

9/12/19 (91219) -> 9/12/19 (91219) Thursday ….and so on.


Palindrome Week was first observed in 2011 and ever since 2011, it happens once a year. 2019 is the last time in this decade when we can celebrate 10 days of the palindrome starting from 9-10-19 until 9-19-19.


Happy Palindrome Week! Share happiness this week as there is no particular reason to be happy. Enjoy because there won’t be another palindrome week until 2021.