Every now and then, tech giants try and muscle their way into a tight market. This has most recently been witnessed by the emergence of Facebook Neighborhoods, which Reuters rightly asserts is a bold attempt to enter a niche market – local community communications. While the jury is still out on whether neighborhoods has been a success, it is already presenting important lessons for marketers everywhere on how to manage your own niche marketing strategy.
Targeting specifics
Niche is ultra-focused marketing, and so it pays to start with a focused strategy. That’s an important first step, and experts including Neil Patel recommend a close look at how PPC works for the process of targeting specific content. That’s good advice, and a look at case studies show how. Consider the use of pay-per-click (PPC) in the legal industry. What should PPC for lawyers focus on? Areas of practice, contact details, why you, and why not the competitor. Abridging these details into a concise form and delivering it is the key to entering a niche, and will help to start taking control.
Being bold
The Neighborhoods play is anything but subtle. Why? Niche marketing is a matter of confidence. Your product is something very specific, entering a market with low diversity in products and with or without much competition. It’s a strong play to show just why your product is the best, and why they should pick it. This is what PPC niche marketing achieves, and it’s what your policy should be – a blunt yet organic message as to your qualities.
Achieving organic
Focus on the ‘organic’ side of affairs, however. While PPC is important, your organic rankings are going to be crucial, too, especially for onward growth. A permanent and natural place in the search engine rankings will help to generate long-term brand loyalty and traffic for your digital presence. Behind your PPC content, which is concise and delivered quickly, should be long-form, high-quality content creation, to drive up your links and build your brand.
The niche, in many ways, hasn’t changed. It’s just become more amplified. Entering and taking control effectively is a case of presenting your case assertively and with full disclosure to your clients of what you do. That will give you a positive reputation, enhance your profile, and give you all the tools you need for long-term growth.
Sumit is a tech enthusiast, streaming aficionado, and movie buff. With a knack for dissecting the latest gadgets, exploring the world of online entertainment, and analyzing cinematic experiences, Sumit offers insightful and engaging perspectives that bridge the gap between technology and entertainment.