If you have been gaming for a while, you will know what we are talking about when we refer to gaming slang. These are words or terms used by gamers to communicate with each other at the time of gaming and have an exclusive meaning for them.
It is true that there are certain words that are common to all games in general, but often there is slang specific to a game. For instance, beliebte casino spiele players talk using words that are unique to a casino.
In this post, we bring to you some of the gaming words or slang that you must know.
- AFK – AFK stands for Away From the Keyboard. If you see your friends sending this in the gaming chat while a game is on, they are trying to say that they are not available to play for some time.
- Bullet Sponge – As the name suggests, this term is used to refer to a game character that is not easy to kill; in fact, it takes tons of bullets to finish them. Hence, they act like bullet sponges and absorb all the bullets coming their way.
- Ragequit – Again, this is a gaming term that is all over social media these days. That video of a gamer causing damage to their keyboard after losing a game is the perfect example of ragequit. Ragequit is when a player quits a game in a fit of anger, either after losing a game or any event happening in the game which goes against them.
- DLC – The full form of DLC is Downloadable Content. It refers to various in-game features (like new car models or environments in a car racing game) that players can download. Depending on the game and developer, this may be free or paid.
- PvE – PvE stands for Player Versus Environment. This is used to refer to the type of game. For instance, if a game is such that you are the sole player and you need to overcome a set of obstacles to win the game, then it is a PvE game as you are competing with the environment.
- PvP – PvP stands for Player Versus Player. Like PvE, this is used for referring to the type of game. For instance, if you are playing a two-player combat game with your brother, then it is a PvP game as your only competitor is your brother, and the environment does not create any obstacles for you.
- K/D – K/D refers to the Kill/Death ratio. This is an important statistic for a player in any game (especially a combat one). It is clear from the name that the K/D ratio is calculated by dividing the number of kills per death. For instance, if you killed your opponent five times for every time you were killed, then your K/D ratio is 5. Greater the ratio, the better player you are considered to be.
- Camping – Again, most of these words mean the same thing in gaming as in normal situations. In gaming, the word ‘camping’ is used to refer to a situation when a player has positioned himself at a particular spot in the gaming environment. He may be hiding from his enemies to save himself or to attack them when they come nearby.
- Toxic – Toxic refers to any player who is rude to his fellow players. If someone is always irritated at their opponents or teammates, then also they fit in the definition of toxic. The most common example of a player being toxic is when they shout at or say unnecessarily mean stuff to others involved in a game. Needless to say, you do not want to be tagged as such.
- OP – This has become so much more than gaming slang now. OP stands for Overpowered. Originally, it was used to refer to a particularly strong weapon that would completely change the game or a strong player who could single-handedly defeat multiple opponents. Sometimes, OP is also used to refer to the ‘Original Poster’ of any comment or question on an online forum.
To sum up, these are some of the commonly used words or slang that are a must-know if you want to do anything in gaming. However, there are so many others that we could not cover here but are extremely relevant in the gaming context. You will surely be well acquainted with them as you start making a mark in your games.
Sumit is a tech enthusiast, streaming aficionado, and movie buff. With a knack for dissecting the latest gadgets, exploring the world of online entertainment, and analyzing cinematic experiences, Sumit offers insightful and engaging perspectives that bridge the gap between technology and entertainment.